Well this is my first ever blog post using Blogger.com. I'm not quite familiar with this site yet. I hope to be very soon though. Make sure you read my About Me section. It tells quite a few important facts about me. I signed up for Blogger.com because I wanted to be able to blog about what's going on in my life because I won't have a lot of people to talk to. So this will kind of be like an online diary for me.
My husband who is in the Army Reserves, will be getting deployed around the end of september sometime, and will be gone for about a year to Iraq. This would be his first deployment, and to be completely honest with you, I'm very scared. And I know he is too. This is going to be very hard on both of us. We have a lot to discuss, plan for, and go buy, before he leaves. Along with my 21st birthday, and our 2nd wedding anniversary to celebrate. Meanwhile, he is still working as a lifeguard up until the first week of september. And sometime after that, we are hoping to take a short vacation before he leaves also.
With this blog, I will be writing about my feelings, events that are happening, updating everyone on how James is doing, and let you know what my life without my husband is like. But until he leaves, it will mainly be about my life, my feelings about him leaving, and our plans we're making. So I hope you enjoy this blog, become a follower! And I hope that I will eventually get better at this!!!
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