Well drill is over for James for this month. He has drill once more, only one day, in september. He didn't find out a whole lot at drill this past weekend. He did find out where he's going in Afghanistan. And some other details about coming home. He should DEFINITELY get a 4 day pass to come home, sometime from NJ.
James took work off this week so we're going to spend it relaxing, getting stuff done, and celebrating our anniversary early. Today is just mainly going to be relaxing, and being lazy after the long weekend we had. Maybe some driving for me too. We will have to see how that goes. Then the rest of this week, we've got tons to do, and lots of time to spend together. I'm sure we will have dinner at James' parents this week again too. I don't think we will at my moms this week, but possibly. We have some financial things to take care of. More shopping to do. We have to plan James' going away party since we finally have a good date to have it on.
James is still trying to decide if he's going to take off Labor Day or not. If he doesn't, it will be his last day of work. If he does, his last day of work was like last thursday. We're still deciding on that.
My mom did not get the house she was waiting for. But she found a house to rent for 6 months, then possibly buy. So yesterday I was at her house all day helping her put everything from her storage units into her new (rental) house.
Anyways, I'll keep you updated on how this week is going sometime later in the week.
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