Throughout the next few months when I don't really have another post prepared or don't feel like posting anything too important, I'm going to introduce you to my furbabies, one at a time. I hate that I feel this way, but I'm going to introduce you to my favorite, my baby, first.
Jack is an all black cat, about 2 years old. James always wanted an all black cat, so Jack was a present for his 21st birthday, from my mother. We named him Blackjack, because it was James' "21st" birthday, and he was all black, it just fit. But his nickname was Jack, so that stuck a little more. Jack was picked from a litter of kittens from someones home who was giving away free kittens. He was not a stray or from the pound.

I remember the day we got him, he was so tiny and fluffy! Our other cats, didn't really like him at first. He was the newest and he's the youngest of all our six cats.
Through these two years he has been here, he has grown to be mommy's boy. He was given to James, but he's definitely my kitty. I've been through so much with Jack. While James was deployed, I was at home with all the little cats, and Jack did not handle having daddy gone very well. It was rough, and he was very sick.
It was shortly after James left, and (don't read this is you're squeemish), Jack had diarrhea badly. He sounded awful in the litterbox, he dripped all through the house, he was very sick. I tried changing his food, I tried giving him rice and chicken as the vet said, and I even tried diapers, with no success.

I had him at the vet probably 10 times within a month or more. He was on different types of medicine, which didn't work. He ended up to a point that diarrhea was not it, he started getting really sick and throwing up a lot. At this point I had him at the vets and he was put on an i.v. with fluids. I had to sit there holding my baby in my arms while he was scared to death while he got fluids dripped into his back. Not only that one time, I had to leave him overnight once so they could try and figure out what was wrong with him. He had more i.v. fluids at that point too, but I wasn't there to hold him. He was on two differnt kinds of pills, he had antibiotic shots, and he was on one type of liquid medicine. The liquid medicine was a nightmare. It made him foam at the mouth and drool pink stuff all over the place for 10 minutes. He only got that medicine once. It was a mess.
During this whole process, I had to feed him and make him drink. He had gatorade in water, which had to be fed to him in a dropper. He had baby food which had to be fed to him in a dropper also. He had prescription canned cat food, which did work finally. All of this stuff was so expensive. The medicines and prescription cat food, and the i.v. fluids and multiple shots, and so on.

For about a month or two while Jack was getting better, him and I both stayed at my moms away from the other cats. I had been staying at my moms and I couldn't leave my baby home alone. I'm so happy that my mom is always accepting of having cats stay over there. She is the healing house, or the hospital as we call it. I've had 3 different cats over at her house healing up from one thing or another, so that they could stay away from the other cats.
We still to this day have to have Jack on only indoor formula dry cat food. Meow Mix seems to be the best option that works for him. I also still have some of the prescription canned food that I use when jack seems to throw up a lot, or has diarrhea again. It usually straightens it right up.
Luckily once James came home for his break halfway through deployment, Jack got much better. I think the whole thing, was that he was afraid his daddy left him. Once James came home halfway through, he realized that he would be coming back. I honestly think that was his problem. Now that James has been home from deployment for good, Jack has rarely been sick. We just can't change his food.
Well, besides the rough times, Jack is still a fun loving, loveable cat. I think it was the rough times that bonded us close together. Jack sleeps with us at night, he always comes when you yell for him, he's definitely a begger when it comes to people food, and he loves soft fuzzy things, such as robes or blankets. He absolutely loves the outside. He begs and cries to go outside. He will gladly wear a harness and leash just so he can go outside. He loves walking around the yard.

He loves watching the birds. He loves meeting new cats. When people come to the house, he usually hides behind the couch for a few minutes, just until he can figure out who it is that is here, then he comes out and is friendly. We say he still hasn't hit puberty, because his voice is still kind of high and squeeky. But I love that squeek! His favorite toys are bouncy balls and fluffy balls, and of course strings. And daddy's favorite to use with him, is the laser pointer! He will chase it until he's panting and dizzy!

Jack is fixed, but not yet declawed. He will be declawed soon. We are doing our cats one at a time, and he is #3. We've only gotten one done so far.
I absolutely love my adorable baby. And I hope you enjoyed meeting him. There will be more meet my kitties post in the future! You've still got 5 more to meet, and I may introduce you to our neighborhood cats, and also to my mom's cat, which used to be another one of our cats!
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