Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Obsessed Premiere Review

I watched the first season of Obsessed and to be honest, there was so much time in between, I thought the show had been cancelled. On monday though, they showed the season 2 premiere!

First off, I'll talk about Cindee and her struggle. She worked out obsessively. Three hours a day or more on a treadmill! I can't even imagine doing a whole hour on a treadmill at this point. Cindee has childen, the oldest was 21 years old! Cindee gave birth to her first child when she was only 14 years old! I can't imagine that struggle to begin with. But in the episode she did show that she cares enough about her children in some ways. She was on the treadmill and her one son (who is autistic) was crying or having trouble and she actually shut the treadmill off to go help her son. Yes, she may not spend much time with them while she's off the treadmill, but at least she got off when he needed her. One of her exposures was to stay on the treadmill for only 32 minutes and then stop. I was so suprised to find out that she was so upset about that her hand was physically shaking like crazy. I never realized OCD could have those types of physical symptoms. For Cindee's final exposure she goes camping with her family and I was so happy to see that she enjoyed it and wasn't too anxious about it. She enjoyed it so much, it showed an update that she was thinking about getting a camper!

Now the other person on the episode was Graham. He was a germaphobe. He was always washing his hands. Hundreds of times a day. He showered sometimes 10 times a day. Graham was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, and he now believed that anyone who drank or did drugs was contaminated or the things they touched were contaminated, so he had to take a shower after coming into contact with them. At one point Graham was showering and he got out of the shower, washed his hands (more like scrubbed his hands), and then got back in the shower! That just amazed me because I never thought anyone was that much of a germaphobe!On a side note, I think his daughter is just adorable. For Graham's final exposure he and his family went to a waterpark, where hundreds of people had been in that water. I was so happy to see that he was fine at the waterpark. He even went down the slide IN the water with his daughter! He wasn't just touching it and doing the minimum. He went all out and enjoyed himself. At the end they said that Graham's cleaning rituals had completely subsided! I think that's GREAT, because he was very bad with the cleaning rituals.

This show is interesting. It's definitely reality tv and very dramatic. I enjoy watching the show and I will continue to watch this season! And future seasons if they continue the show!

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